How do I return an Item?
Before you go to the trouble of calling or emailing us, try using the links or searching FAQs on this page if you have a general query about shopping with us.
If your query is about your order, you can check your order status here.
If you're experiencing difficulty placing an order, email us or call +44 (0) 115 888 0306 (Int’l) or + 971 (0) 674 88223 (UAE) and +92 (0) 304 1111 887 or Chat with our 24/7 support time and we'll try to resolve your issue as quickly as possible.
Online Chat with our Customer Services Team (Preferred)
Just click the icon on the main page and get yourself connected to the award-winning support team 24/7/365 at your service.
Call our Customer Services Team:
+44 (0) 115 888 0306 (Int’l)
+971 (0) 674 88223 (UAE 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM - 7 days a week)
+92 (0) 304 1111 887 (Pakistan 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM - 7 days a week)
NOTE: In case our team is busy in assisting other customers, just e-mail or message us with your query and we can get back to you ourselves.
Email us
Complete our online form to send an email to our Customer service team.
Select the appropriate query from the drop-down menu. If it's a website query, it's helpful if you copy and paste any relevant links into your email or upload a particular screenshot as an attachment.
We aim to respond within 24 hours of receiving your email. Technical Support line
Call +44 (0) 115 888 0306 for after sales queries on an electrical or technology product, 9am - 5pm weekdays (GMT).
(Call charges vary according to service provider.)
Please have your model number and order details readily available
You can also email or use online chat for express supportability.